Against the eviction of Es.Col.A (Porto, PT)

ES.COL.A - espaço colectivo autogestionado 10.04.2012 10:11 Themen: Freiräume Soziale Kämpfe
The promise of suspending the eviction of Es.Col.A was shown to be nothing but a fraud. Politically forced to engage in conversation with the occupants of the former school of Alto da Fontinha, the Oporto City Coucil (CMP) merely wanted to announce that the eviction was still a reality, however it would be delayed.
In a meeting with two Es.Col.A members, the CMP demanded the collectivity to sign its own death sentence, by accepting a rental agreement that would terminate in June 2012. The short-term maintenance of Es.Col.A within the old school building implied the signature of such contract.

Going back to the beginning: on the 10th of April 2011, a group of people occupied the building of the old primary school of Alto da Fontinha, vacant and neglected for more than 5 years by the same City Council that was obliged to preserve it. One month later, after intensive building reparation by the occupants and with several activities already taking place, the police (mandated by the CMP) violently evicted the building's occupants and walled up the place.

Following a long period of negotiations with the City Council, Es.Col.A was allowed to go back to Escola da Fontinha, where it has been until the present with an evident absence of interest by the CMP.

Such farce is, for us, unacceptable, just as the eviction itself, either now, in June, or in any other time. We do not recognize legitimacy to CMP, who has successively failed to live up to the agreements, failed to follow it's own decisions and who's only known means of negotiation is through intimidation. Accepting the eviction means giving up of the dream that made us depart into this adventure. The dream of transforming our lives with our own hands, learning and teaching with those that interact with us in the streets of Fontinha. Because Es.Col.A is much more than a simple school, it is in fact a laboratory of a transformed world, we will rise up!

We need the solidarity of all people who identifies with the project. We hope that, everywhere, occupation and the free use of the spaces will be the global answer to this system that chooses property, even abandoned, rather than the collective joy.


Short documentary (15min) about the Es.Col.A (english subtitles):
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Aufruf zur Solidarität

Es.Col.A. 12.04.2012 - 12:03
Protestmails gegen die Räumung bitte an:

Der Bürgermeister und die Stadtverwaltung sind erreichbar unter:

Câmara Municipal do Porto
Praça General Humberto Delgado
4049-001 Porto
Tel. 222 097 000
Fax 222 097 100

Zwangsräumung des Zentrums ESCOLA (Portugal)

ES.COL.A - espaço colectivo autogestionado 19.04.2012 - 13:01
Das soziale Zentrum Escola (Porto, Portugal) wurde heute durch einen Polizeieinsatz geräumt. Zwei Festnahmen, einige Leichtverletzte. Weitere Infos folgen.

Hier einige Fotos: