soli graffiti in sweden for hamburg squatters

a and b 24.07.2011 15:33 Themen: Repression Weltweit
In context of the conflict about the az altona and rote flora, we made some little graffiti action in malmö and göteborg. We think squatting is legitimate and necessary to support as a form of showing up alternatives to capitalism - tomma hus är allas hus! (empty houses are everybodies houses)
In the last days we as supporters of rebellion and autonomy made some little graffiti action in sweden.
We think squatting is legitimate and necessary to support as a form of showing up alternatives to capitalism - tomma hus är allas hus! (empty houses are everybodies houses)
The pictures from malmö will come soon.

the webpage of az altona is and the one from rote flora

More about the az altona on indymedia (in german only)
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This is so interesting!

Les 24.07.2011 - 16:12
Let's post an indymedia article for every political grafitti that occurs anywhere in the world!

Beiträge die keine inhaltliche Ergänzung darstellen

Zeige die folgenden 4 Kommentare an

Hach wie süß — Grundgütig

Schöne Sache — VegAnarchist

graffiti ina city — artist

hallo ihr lieben... — FLORIDA ROLF