Nov 9: Hearing on Mumia's death sentence

NYC Free Mumia Coalition 29.10.2010 19:14 Themen: Antirassismus Repression Weltweit
On November 9, 2010 the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals will be debating of the african-american political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. What is the issue with this court date?
The only legal options to be considered at the Third Circuit's November 9 hearing are whether Mumia Abu-Jamal is to be executed or get life in prison without parole. Clearly neither of those two options are acceptable.

To fully grasp the significance of the hearing, one needs to revisit Federal District Court Judge William Yohn, Jr.'s decision of December 18, 2001. In that ruling the judge upheld Mumia's conviction but at the same time threw out his death sentence on the grounds that the verdict form used by the jury for sentencing at his trial violated the U.S. Supreme Court's Mills precedent and therefore entitled Mumia to have his death sentence overturned. Yohn then gave the state 180 days to convene a new jury trial only on the issue of Mumia's penalty, in which the choices would be either death or life in prison without parole. On the other hand, if the state did nothing, Yohn ruled that Mumia would automatically be sentenced to life in prison without parole.

At the time Judge Yohn stayed his ruling on the death sentence while the state appealed his decision to the next higher level of federal court, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. (At the same time Mumia cross-appealed Judge Yohn's decision upholding Mumia's conviction.) Mumia was therefore never removed from Death row and remains there to this day.

On March 27, 2008, the Third Circuit upheld Yohn's decision on the death penalty on a 3-0 vote. Again the decision was stayed while the state appealed to the highest federal level, the Supreme Court. (In the same decision, the Third Circuit rejected Mumia's appeal on the conviction by 2-1 and, as before, Mumia cross-appealed that ruling.)

On January 10, 2010, the Supreme Court ordered the Third Circuit to reconsider its decision on the death sentence in light of its simultaneously-issued ruling unanimously rejecting an appeal from a white-supremacist named Spisak. That man admitted to killing at least two people in Ohio and openly wished to have murdered more. He had appealed his death sentence also as a violation of Mills, but involving a different aspect of it than Mumia's case. The Sixth Circuit, as did the Third Circuit in Mumia's case, ruled that the death sentence should be vacated, but the Supreme Court ruled that the Mills precedent did not apply in Spisak's case, and that therefore execution rather than life in prison was the appropriate penalty. Based on that decision, the Supreme Court immediately applied the same argument to Mumia's case and asked for the Third Circuit to reconsider the issue of execution for Mumia as well.

Thus, the hearing on November 9th is on Mumia's penalty only. The choices before the court are either to sustain Yohn's and its own earlier decisions or to reinstate the death penalty, clearing the way for Mumia's possible quick execution.

If the Third Circuit reaffirms its earlier decision to sentence Mumia to life in prison without parole, the state will most likely appeal to the Supreme Court. (This is exactly what happened with Spisak, after the Sixth Circuit upheld its own earlier ruling which had overturned the man's death sentence.) But in the unlikely event that the state doesn't appeal, it will then have 180 days to implement Judge Yohn's decision.

Of course if the Third Circuit rules against Mumia, he will appeal to the Supreme Court. However, the odds for relief are small, given the increasingly reactionary nature of that court.

Thus, Mumia's legal situation is extremely dangerous. His life truly is on the line, for no matter how the court rules, the only two choices under this legal system are either execution or life in prison without parole and, for the moment, the prosecution, with all its allies and backers, is fighting very hard for execution.
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Free Mumia Demos am 9. November 2010

Berliner Free Mumia Bündnis 29.10.2010 - 19:24

An der Ostküste der USA mobilisieren UnterstützerInnen von Mumia zusammen mit TodesstrafengegenerInnen für den 9. November nach Philadelphia vor das Gericht. An der Westküste wird es am selben Tag eine Free Mumia Demo in Oakland geben.

Auch in anderen Ländern sind Demos und Kundgebungen für 9. November angekündigt. In Frankreich vor US Konsulaten in folgenden Städten: Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Rennes, Strasbourg und Toulouse.

Vor der US Botschaft in London wird es ebenfalls eine Kundgebung für die Freilassung Mumias geben.

Demo in Berlin am 11. Dezember 2010

Berliner Free Mumia Bündnis 29.10.2010 - 19:30

Mit einer Entscheidung des 3. Bundesberufungsgerichtes ist laut Verteidigung ab Dezember 2010 zu rechnen. Für den 11. Dezember 2010 ruft das Berliner Free Mumia Bündnis zu einer Demonstration auf ( ). Alle sind aufgerufen, sich selbst an der Mobilisierung für diese Demonstration zu beteiligen.

Falls Gruppen und Einzelpersonen den Aufruf unterstützen wollen, können sie uns per e-mail kontaktieren:

Kopiervorlagen und weiteres Material für die Berliner Free Mumia Demo sind in wenigen Tagen hier:

Wer Plakate und Flyer bestellen möchte, kann dies ebenfalls über die e-mail tun.

sogar EU Parlament unterstützt Mumia...

Eugen 29.10.2010 - 19:46
Die Todesstrafe ächten


AMISTAD--- --- - 29.10.2010 - 20:57

MUMAI ABU-JAMAL UK London Press Conference .Robert Bryan & 2
Sabine Lösing on Mumia Abu Jamal
Free Mumia Abu Jamal (2010) - interview with his lead attorney Robert R. Bryan 23/10 2010
EXCLUSIVE! Test Shows Missing Evidence and Falsified Testimony from Key Witnesses in Abu-Jamal Trial
davelindorff 1 Videos
NTags: sober, Anarchist Black Cross, Prison Industrial Complex, RVA ABC, Wingnut, all ages, Black Panther Party, black panther, flying brick, racism, wingnut anarchist collective, civil rights, political prisoner support, free mumia, justice on trial, mumia abu-jamal, abu-jamal, injustice system, civil rights today, richmnond anarchists, richmond defendersov. 5th- Free Mumia Movie
After the Revolution runs through Nov. 28 at the Peter Jay Sharp Theater at Playwrights Horizons.

Read more:
Mumia, the media and more: Davey D, MOI JR and Malcolm Shabazz on Hard Knock Radio


SPANISH ---- ---- -- -
Mumia Abu-Jamal: Lo que está en juego en la audiencia del 9 de noviembre x Amig@s de Mumia, Actualización de su situación jurídica
Mumia Abu-Jamal: El que està en joc en l’audiència del 9 de novembre
Mumia Abu-Jamal: Lo que está en juego en la audiencia del 9 de noviembre on Oct28

FRANCE---- ---- -- -
Dernier recours pour Mumia Abu Jamal
Les défenseurs du journaliste noir en appellent à l’aide de l’opinion internationale à un moment où des menaces de mise en œuvre de son exécution deviennent de plus en plus précises.
[ondialisation - Peine de mort] cyberaction : La grâce pour MUMIA ABU-JAMAL



SUNDOG 30.10.2010 - 07:36

Sofortige Freilassung von Mumia Abu-Jamal![tt_news]=12936&cHash=bf48104632
Das Antikrisenbündnis Hamburg und die Internationale Bolschewistische Tendenz haben die folgende Kundgebung für Mumias Gerichtstermin, am 09.11.2010, 17:30 Uhr, Hamburg-america-center, Am Sandtorkai 48, in Hamburg angemeldet.

Wir hoffen, viele Unterstützer von Mumia dort zu sehen.
Mumia, the media and more: Davey D, MOI JR and Malcolm Shabazz on Hard Knock Radio

We talked about Tupac, we talked about his (Mumia Abu-Jamal’s) relationship and the Black Panthers’ relationship to culture, and he felt more should have been done back then with culture and he feels that even in his own personal campaign that more should be done with culture now.

Most of all the people are looking for the next Malcolm Xs, the Martin Luther Kings, the Medgar Everses and George Jacksons and Jonathan Jacksons, but we shouldn’t be looking for them. What we need to realize is that whatever it is that attracts us to these great men is a mirror reflection – it’s something that we possess in ourselves – so look within yourself.

I think it’s very important that we control our own media, because that’s controlling what we’re educated on, what current events we’re up on, what we talk about, psychologically what we’re thinking about, what we feel about ourselves.

A lot of times many people focus too much on differences and I believe we need to focus more on our common ground.
Scott X and the Constitution Commandos have released BAD COP, the third video release off their album "Fighting the U.S. Police State with Music".

Richie Havens, Freedom,

Previous Anti U.S. Police State MusicVideos by Scott X and the Constitution Commandos:

Liberty Wanted (from U.S. Police State)

The USA Took My Freedom Away

Album at:
Fifteen - The Lost Generation
ultimos piratas mumia
Fifteen - Message To Mumia [SPOKEN]
Ricanstruction - "Liberation Day"
Jello Biafra (public speech)
The rebel song.
Immortal Technique - Homeland and Hip Hop feat Mumia Abu-Jamal
The War vs. Us All - Immortal Technique ft. Mumia Abu Jamal
Immortal Technique - Homeland and Hip Hop feat Mumia Abu-Jamal
Capital-X, Walk The Walk
Free Mumia 9/11 Feat. THE UNBOUND ALLSTARS
Mumia Abu Jamal - Mic Ständer - Bei dir (Doctor Positiva)
free mumia now!
Mumia Song
Free Mumia Abu Jamal (Reggae)
Free Mumia :Build The Movement April 2010
Ghost of vietnam- Mumia Abu Jamal
JUSTICE FOR OSCAR GRANT Mumia abu Jamal interview

Was tun um Mumia Abu-Jamal zu unterstützen?

Vera 30.10.2010 - 17:06
Mumia Abu-​Ja­mals Hin­rich­tung ver­hin­dern! In den Be­mü­hun­gen für das Leben und die Frei­heit von Mumia Abu-​Ja­mal gibt es ein paar ein­fa­che Dinge die jede/r tun kann:
Was tun um Mumia Abu-Jamal zu unterstützen?
1. Die E-​Mail Not­fall­lis­te: Dort be­kommst du 1x im Monat einen Rund­brief mit allen wich­ti­gen Be­rich­ten. Den kanns­te auch gerne wei­ter­ver­brei­ten. Ein­tra­gen unter free.​mumia@​gmx.​net
Im Alarm­fall (Wie­der­ein­set­zung der To­des­stra­fe) wirst du so­fort be­nach­rich­tigt.

Für Mün­chen: Für Infos vom Mu­mia-​Bünd­nis Mün­chen schickt eine E-​Mail mit dem Be­treff „Ich will in den In­fo­ver­tei­ler“ an mu­mia-​so­li-​muc (at) ri­seup.​net oder ein­fach hier kli­cken!

2. Schreib Mumia. Das ist ein gro­ßer Schutz für ihn. De­tails:

3. Un­ter­stützt die On­line-​Pe­ti­ti­on an Ba­rack Obama!

Es gibt auch eine zwei­te On­line Pe­ti­ti­on an Ge­ne­ral At­tor­ney Hol­der zum Un­ter­zeich­nen und Ver­brei­ten:

4. Mit­ma­chen! Nimm Kon­takt mit Mu­mia-​Un­ter­stüt­ze­rIn­nen in dei­ner Re­gi­on auf und stei­ge in die prak­ti­sche Un­ter­stüt­zungs­ar­beit ein. Ei­ni­ge Grup­pen haben re­gel­mäs­si­ge Treff­punk­te, an­de­re mo­bi­li­sie­ren zu Ver­an­stal­tun­gen und öf­fent­li­chen Ak­tio­nen:  http://mu­mia-​ho­er­buch.​de/​termine.​htm

Für Mün­chen: Kon­takt zum Mu­mia-​Bünd­nis: mu­mia-​so­li-​muc (at) ri­seup.​net

8. Samm­le Spen­den oder spen­de selbst für Mu­mi­as Ver­tei­di­gung und die So­li-​Kam­pa­gnen:

Spen­den­kon­to für BR Deutsch­land und um­lie­gen­des eu­ro­päi­sches Aus­land:
Ar­chiv 92/Son­der­kon­to Jamal
S.E.B. Bank Bre­men
Kon­to-​Nr. 100 8738 701 (BLZ 290 101 11)
Stich­wort »Ver­tei­di­gung«

Mu­mia-​Bünd­nis Mün­chen Spen­den­kon­to:
Rote Hilfe e.V. OG Mün­chen
Nr. 220 16 803
Post­bank Mün­chen,
BLZ 700 100 80
Stich­wort: Mumia

Ms. Hanrahan talked about the book she edited by convicted felon Mumia Abu-Jamal, All Things Censored,

The Time is Now!

Doc M. 30.10.2010 - 23:59

Dieser Text gibt einen sehr guten Überblick über die Lage. Er
unterstreicht, dass Mumia trotz Aufhebung seines Todesurteils im
Dezember 2001 immer noch im Todestrakt ist, da die Staatsanwaltschaft
damals sofort Berufung einlegte. Die Zeit, sich für Mumia einzusetzen,
ist JETZT! Eines gilt es zusätzlich zu den bereits im Artikel
enthaltenen Erläuterungen nochmals zu unterstreichen: Selbst wenn die
Aufhebung des Todesurteils gegen Mumia durch eine endgültige Bestätigung
durch den US Supreme Court Rechtskraft erhält, hat die Anklage immer
noch 180 Tage lang die Möglichkeit, erneut ein Juryverfahren zu
beantragen, in dem es einzig und allein um die Frage Lebenslänglich oder
Tod geht.

Meine Prophezeiung: Wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft vor dem Supreme Court
verliert, wird sie auf einen neues Verfahren zur Durchsetzung eines
erneuten Todesurteils verzichten, da bei einem solchen Verfahren die
gesamten Fakten zur Sprache kämen und ihr schlecht zusammengezimmertes
Lügengebäude gegen Mumia wie ein Kartenhaus zusammenfallen würde. Aber
das ist im Moment müßige Spekulation. Zunächst gilt es zu verhindern,
dass sie Mumia umbringen können.

Petition for Mumia in turkish

aloneFreeasaTree TogetherStrongasaForest 31.10.2010 - 07:19
Dear friends,
thanks a lot for the detailed informatio on the 9th November hearing.
We met Mumia's lawyer last weekend during a conference in Europe and promised him to
translate the petition
for Mumia into Turkish.
Maybe this petition is useful for all of you too, though I've already sent it to
Robert Bryan..


Mumia Abu Jamal ve dünyada İdam cezasının kaldırılması

Sayın Barack Obama
ABD başkanı
Beyaz Saray
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Sayın başkan;
İmza atan bizler, sizi Mumia Abu-Jamal ve dünyada idamla karşı karşıya kalan bütün
erkek, kadın ve çocukların idam cezasına karşı tavır almaya çağrıyoruz.
Bu cezalandırma biçimi uygar toplumlarda kabul edilemez ve insanlık onuruna
aykırıdır. (B.M. Genel Kurulu, İdam Cezasının uygulanmasına dair moratoryum, karar
62/149, 18 Aralık, 2007; yeniden doğrulandı, karar 63/168, 18 Aralık, 2008.)
Meşhur siyahi gazeteci ve yazar Abu-Jamal, 30 yıla yakın bir süredir Pennsylvania
eyaletinin ölüm listesinde bulunmaktadır. Mumia'nın kaderi, devletin ölüm sırasında
bulunan bir tutsak olarak doğrudan elinizde değilse de, sizden dünya düzeyinde bir
manevi lider olarak, onun ve tüm diğer idam cezaları üzerinde küresel bir moratoryum
için çağrıda bulunmanızı istiyoruz. Abu-Jamal ölüm cezasına ve insan hakları
ihllalerine karşı mücadelede dünya çapında bir sembol, "Sesi olmayanların Sesi"
haline gelmiştir. ABD'nın ölüm sırasında 3000'den fazla insanın bulunmasıyla
birlikte, dünyada 20.000'den fazla insan idamlarını bekliyor.
Abu-Jamal'ın 1982'deki ırkçılıkla lekelenmiş davası, tarihi polis rüşvetçiliği ve
ayrımcılıkla dolu Philadelphia bölgesinde görüldü. Nobel barış ödüllü Uluslararası
Af Örgütü, 'bu davanın birçok yönünün, adil yargılamayı teminat altına alan
uluslararası standartlara uygun olmadığını' tayin etti. "Mumia Abu-Jamal'ı yeniden
yargılanmasının sağlanması tamamen adaletin yararına olacaktır. Bu dava tamamen
uluslararası adalet standartlarına uygun olup, idam cezasına yeniden izin
vermemeli." (Terazide Bulunan bir Hayat - Mumia Abu-Jamal'ın Davası, Uluslararası Af
Örgütü, 2000;

(not: bu imza metni Mumia Abu-Jamal ve savunma avukatı Robert R. Bryan - San
Francisco - tarafından onaylandı.)

Metni imzalamak için:

(not: bu imza metni Mumia Abu-Jamal ve savunma avukatı Robert R. Bryan - San
Francisco - tarafından onaylandı.)

Metni imzalamak için:

new film on Mumia Abu-Jamal

J4M 31.10.2010 - 14:14

"Justice On Trial: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal"

deutschsprachige Infos zu dem Gerichtstermin

wir alle 02.11.2010 - 15:03

der aktuelle Rundbrief vom Berliner Free Mumia Bündnis: