BPP politischer Gefangener im Hungerstreik

Free All Political Prisoners! 04.05.2010 05:34 Themen: Antirassismus Repression Weltweit
Black Panther Aktivist seit 40 Jahren inhaftiert +++ unbefristeter Hungerstreik seit 29. April +++ Lage sehr ernst
Der Black Panther Aktivist und politische Gefangene Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald sitzt seit über 40 Jahren in Kalifornien, USA im Gefängnis. Im Zuge des FBI Programmes "CoInTelPro" wurde er 1970 mit gefälschten Beweisen zum Tode verurteilt und später zu Lebenslänglich ohne Bewährung "begnadigt". Seit Februar 2009 sitzt er im "Loch", d.h. in extremer Isolationshaft. Im offiziellen Sprachgebrauch war er einem "administrative charge" unterworfen und hätte eigentlich im Februar 2010 wieder zurück in den "Normalvollzug" verlegt werden müssen.

"Chip" wird von seiten des Knastes seit langem medizinische Hilfe verweigert.

Am 29. April hat "Chip" beschlossen, in einen UNBEFRISTETEN Hungerstreik zu treten, um endlich aus dem "Loch" herauszukommen.

Der ebenfalls politische Gefangene Mumia Abu-Jamal aus Pennsylvania warnt, dass bei geringer Aufmerksamkeit von draussen Behörden manchmal dazu neigen, "nachzuhelfen".

Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald ist in großer Gefahr! Seine UnterstützerInnen rufen dazu auf, den Gefängnisaufseher Raul Lopez anzurufen und/oder mit Faxen einzudecken. Verlangt, dass ROMAINE FITZGERALD mit der Gefangenennummer #B-27527 von AD SEG in den allgemeinen Vollzug verlegt wird.

Tel. 001 - 559-992-8800 (phone) Extension #5008
Fax 001 - 559-999-4636 (fax)

Die ehemalige Black Panther Vorsitzende Elaine Browne spricht in diesem Video Interview über Romaine "Chip" Fitzgeralds Hungerstreik  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roGNxckardg&feature=player_embedded
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COINTELPRO - wirkt bis heute

Staatsterrorismus bekämpfen! 04.05.2010 - 06:16
Fred Hampton - ermordet vom FBI unter COINTELPRO

COINTELPRO: FBI's War On Black America

A Short History of FBI COINTELPRO


ella 04.05.2010 - 06:24
hier sind einige links -und ein video interviw mit elaine brown http://www.theunapologeticmexican.org/elgrito/2007/02/free_chip_fitzgerald.html http://www.abcf.net/la/pdfs/chip.pdf http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2010/04/28/18646020.php http://www.sfbayview.com/2010/urgent-update-chip-fitzgerald-on-hunger-strike/ http://freechip.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roGNxckardg

Fertiger Aufruf / Text + Internetfaxservice ?

Fragezeichen 04.05.2010 - 09:40
Gibt es einen fertigen Text auf Englisch der die sofortige Freilassung fordert ?

Mit welchem Service kann ich diesen dann im Netz als Fax abschicken ?

@Fertiger Aufruf / Text + Internetfaxservice

antworter 04.05.2010 - 10:43
For Chip Fitzgerald and his release from prison

When I think of Chip Fitzgerald sitting in prison for almost 40 years, the longest held BPP political prisoner. When I think of Chip I pause and reflect on the birth of my three children and my two grandsons. Their lives and mine have changed and transformed in these precious four decades. As I reflect on Chip’s life I am aware that birth, life in all of its complexities, and death are natural occurrences. Prison is not natural.

The human spirit is not meant to be restricted and contained. The spirit and its casing, the body, lose their luster under emotional surveillance and physical deprivation- inside the minds of those who abuse power; inside concrete and steel walls, electronic doors and windows that hold no promise of air. How do I know this? I was held inside brick walls and cement floors for two years. A short time, yet, long enough to lose connection to the social and the political, the heartbeat of the “outside” world- my friends, my comrades, the movement of time, the day to day life of my young daughter. The austerity, loneliness and forced conformity of the bastille strips smiles away, captures and silences laughter. This experience is so strong that it can remove the cellular memory of the sun.

Some know Chip and love him personally. For others he represents the violent treatment of BPP members. For all of us he represents the thousands of black and brown men and women who fill the prisons and jails in California, in the US and around the globe. Chip is our son, brother, our nephew, our father, grandfather, our uncle, our friend. His is the composite face that we must intentionally recall often so that we do not forget- the color of eyes, the shape of nose and the softness of lips. His is the voice that enters our dreams of his return home, to the quasi-safety of American life. We can not forget AND we must not. We’re indelibly linked. He is each of us, no different. He is no criminal.

Who then are the criminals who remain free of prison? They are the ones who maintain the laws and policies that pierce the heart of life and rob sons from their mothers; food from the mouths of children. Are the Chips of the US responsible for killing hundreds of citizens in villages daily in Afghanistan? No. Are the Chips of the US funding the trafficking of girl children for sale to wealthy American men? No. Do the men who look like, sound like, and feel like Chip impose their will and military force all over the world? We answer NO.

It is important that we have integrity in what we think, say and do in our lives. The original reason for Chip’s incarceration is less important than his release NOW. It is imperative that we support life, his life. It is crucial that we step forward on behalf of his freedom, as he did almost four decade ago on our behalf.

Romaine “Chip Fitzgerald deserves humane regard. Participate in the work of the Committee to Free Chip Fitzgerald. Sign the petition. Spread the word: Let him go!

Welcome Home Chip!

Tel. 001 - 559-992-8800 (phone) Extension #5008
Fax 001 - 559-999-4636 (fax)


Free All Political Prisoners 05.05.2010 - 17:06
Es gibt leider keine Möglichkeit, den Text per e-mail zu senden. Aber auch ein einseitiges Fax in die USA ist nicht wirklich teuer. Da bei billigen Anbietern die Tarife häufig wechseln, muss mensch die entweder dann raussuchen, wenn er/sie das Fax abschickt, oder eben etwas Kleingeld ausgeben.

Ein formulierter Textvorschlag in englisch folgt hier:

Dear Warden Raul Lopez,

I hereby politely ask you to transfer the prisoner Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald (prisoner's number #B-27527) from Administrative Segregation back to inti the general population.

I am well aware of the conditions Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald is under and are watching his case closely.

Yours sincerely,

Hungerstreik erfolgreich - Forderungen

erfüllt 05.05.2010 - 17:10
Hey, seit einigen Stunden steht auf der UnterstützerInnen Webseite, dass der Gefangene seinen Hungerstreik beendet hat, da der Knast aufgrund der vielen Protestfaxe und und Anrufe den Forderungen nachgegeben hat:


Black Panther Political Prisoner “Chip” Fitzgerald Ends His Hunger Strike

May 4, 2010

The longest held Black Panther Party Political Prisoner, Romaine “Chip” Fitzgerald has ended his hunger strike at Corcoran State Prison in California now that the prison and its warden have met his demands. These demands were met only after countless calls made into the prison by his supporters. According to sources close to him, Chip is scheduled to be transferred today out of administrative segregation at Corcoran and into Kern State Valley Prison’s general population, where conditions (including access to medical care) may be significantly better. But, as he wrote recently, “we’ll see.”

We will be sure to keep you posted.

Without a doubt, Chip’s transfer is a people’s victory. Warden Lopez at Corcoran State Prison capitulated to the people’s demands. This proves the importance and value of political solidarity with prisoners in general and political prisoners in particular. Let’s keep our movement going strong.

The Committee to Free Chip Fitzgerald thanks you for your support!

Danke für die Unterstützung!

Chip 05.05.2010 - 18:07
Seit einigen Stunden steht auf der UnterstützerInnen Webseite, dass der Gefangene Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald seinen Hungerstreik beendet hat, da der Knast aufgrund der vielen Protestfaxe und und Anrufe den Forderungen nachgegeben hat:


Black Panther Political Prisoner “Chip” Fitzgerald Ends His Hunger Strike

May 4, 2010

The longest held Black Panther Party Political Prisoner, Romaine “Chip” Fitzgerald has ended his hunger strike at Corcoran State Prison in California now that the prison and its warden have met his demands. These demands were met only after countless calls made into the prison by his supporters. According to sources close to him, Chip is scheduled to be transferred today out of administrative segregation at Corcoran and into Kern State Valley Prison’s general population, where conditions (including access to medical care) may be significantly better. But, as he wrote recently, “we’ll see.”

We will be sure to keep you posted.

Without a doubt, Chip’s transfer is a people’s victory. Warden Lopez at Corcoran State Prison capitulated to the people’s demands. This proves the importance and value of political solidarity with prisoners in general and political prisoners in particular. Let’s keep our movement going strong.

The Committee to Free Chip Fitzgerald thanks you for your support!

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