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International Call Out For Dutch Squats

Supporter 21.10.2009 16:06
Anfang nächsten Jahres soll es in den Niederlanden einem neuen Gesetz (Kraakverbod) zufolge verboten sein, leerstehende Häuser zu besetzen. Dies ist ein englischsprachiger Aufruf zu internationalen Aktionstagen, die vom 30.10. bis 01.11.2009 stattfinden sollen.
Call out to all squatters
"Spirit of the eighties" collective - 21.10.2009

"Spirit of the eighties"

This is a request to participate in Demonstration against squatting prohibition in Utrecht(24.10.2009) and Squatting Action Days in the Netherlands (30.10-01.11.2009).

To all the people who are against squatting prohibition,
to all the squatters living in the Netherlands and abroad,
special request to all spanish, polish and italian squatters living in the Netherlands (you are many, but few of you are active),
to all ex-squatters,
to all young people who would like to become squatters in the future,
to all the friends of the squatters,
to all political activists,
to all antifascist activists,
to all artists who create art and/or perform in the squats,
to all bandmembers and DJ's that play in the squats,
to all partypeople and teknofreaks who enjoy parties and concerts in the squats,
to all travellers who visit and stay in the squats,
to all of you who are not mentioned above.

As you probably know dark days are coming for the squatting movement in the Netherlands. On 15.10.2009 the Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber of the dutch parliament) voted for a squatting prohibition. Please remember this would not have happened without the support of racist and xenophobic politicians as Rita Verdonk and Geert Wilders. From 1st January 2010 squatting will be illegal in the Netherlands. If you would like to try to occupy an empty building, you will be considered a criminal and punished by dutch authorities. Penalties are very high and range from one year up to two years of prison!

This is very serious threat! Don't let politicians destroy our squatting movement! We can't wait! We must act now!

The future of the dutch squatting movement is in our hands. It is a big responsibility as well. We should show respect to those previous squatting generations who made squatting possible in the Netherlands. They sacrified a lot of time and energy for us. We should think about all the youth who would like to have the possibility to live in squats in the future.

It is possible that we have very nice neighbours, but please remember that most of them won't struggle for our houses.

Mass media and politicians say that we are few, but our spirit is stronger then this rotten and unhumane law that politicians have created! We should show politicians and police forces our determination in the defence of our rights for housing.

Mass media and politicains say that we are violent, but those christians from CDU (Christian Democratic Party), CU (Christian Union) and SGP (Orthodox Protestant Party) are violent. For them empty buildings are more important than human beings searching for a house. Those christians decided that police will come to arrest us, if we try to occupy a house after 31st December 2009.

We hear some of the squatters say "we will move out of the Netherlands". others say "we are afraid to participate in actions and demonstrations, because it is not pleasant to be arrested". Please don't give this satisfaction to politicians, they are very glad to hear it. Especially our "favourites" like Rita Verdonk and Geert Wilders.

We should be proud of who we are and defend our rights to occupy empty buildings. Don't give up without struggle! Some of you remember those proud and angry youth from Kopenhagen who were fighting for Ungdomshuset and dignity. Some of you probably have joined the struggle. We should bring the spirit of youth from Denmark and Greece to the streets of the Netherlands!

Politicians did not leave us another choice! From 1st January we have to choose between being homeless or criminals. This choice is not suitable for us! We won't live on the streets or in the prison! We are human beings and we deserve respect!

For many of us to be a squatter is way of life. A lot of us spent the best times living in the squats. We had unforgettable adventures together. We have plenty of invaluable experiences, like living in self-organized communities or housing collectives. Many of us met their boyfriends, girlfriends and their best friends in the squats. Others had a lot of fun on countless squat parties. Yet another reason to struggle against squatting prohibition.

Don't ignore serious threats for our squatting movement! Use your imagination, open your eyes, stand up and act!

Our struggle is for a world without capitalism, race and gender differences, poverty and war!

See you on the streets!

"Spirit of the eighties" collective.

-to polish, spanish, italian and others translate this pamphlet to your language,
-to everybody send this pamphlet to your friends,
-print this pamphlet and give away to people.

All this in order to mobilize our squatting movement, friends and countless supporters.
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Squatter-Demo Berlin

- 21.10.2009 - 19:21
Kommenden Samstag findet in Berlin eine Demonstration für den akut räumungsbedrohten Wagenplatz "Schwarzer Kanal" statt, die sich explizit auch mit den holländischen Squattern solidarisiert.

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