Gr: Two days under the siege of cops.

mick 09.10.2009 15:56 Themen: Repression Weltweit
During last night hundreds of cops, special cop forces, special guards, Delta cop team, Z cop team and a mass of undercover cops started spreading fear and terror all around the center of Athens and the Exarcheia area. The actions of cop terror keep on during Friday's afternoon and a "wipping action" has been announced by the greek police officers for this evening. There is a small list of citizens' posts about the two days events, so the readers of can have a picture of the european union's human mask. (free translation)
Thursday night's events:

00:55: I don't know what has happened, but there are special cops' forces in the streets of Exarcheia. Before some time also a teargas was thrown.

01:02: They do not let anyone pass from any street, they have surrounded Exarcheia, they forbid also habitants to go to their homes. This seems like a welcome from the FBI's agent.

01:02: Special forces everywhere. Mesologgiou, Metaxa, Tzavella streets are all closed by special cop forces. They start doing body-checks.

01:11: But why? We were at the self-organized park and everything was calm. Suddenly we saw countless cops at Harilaou Street. People started going away and as long as we were going up the street, we could see cops in any single road.

01:18: Cops are from Didotou Street untill Solonos Street and from Benaki until Trikoupi street at any single corner. Cops also at any entrence of the square. Be carefull, they walk also arround and make ID and body checks. Cops, special forces, D-team, Z-team, special guards. I am not sure about the teargas, but it seems they want to take citizens to police stations.

01:23: at Mesologgiou street, 40 from the D-team, special forces, etc, etc went against a company of 10 comrades and they still keep them. From Patision Street passed 5 cop busses, totally full and behind them 10 D-team motorcycles.

01:36: they also stop vehicles to check at the square.

01:38 If there are arrests, publish here so we can call for lawyers.

01:41: i cannot describe what is happening, I haven't seen such things before. Cops used to search with plastic gloves and torches in bags and at any dark corner trying to find WHAT? They forbid citizens to walk in the streets. It is tragedy.

01:50: also at Thisseio area around 01:00, cops with an undercover cops were beating up a citizen. We started walking to them, but they took the guy and went away.

01:50: Benaki & Akadimias str. D-team forces. Tzavella & Benaki str. Special forces. Special guards in the cafe on the opposite side. Stournari & Tsamadou str. cops. Trikoupi & Stournari str special forces. Trikoupi & Stournari str. cops inside the cafe. On the square cops checks ID's. Stournari & Zaimi str. special forces. Be carefull, there is an AMAZING number of undercovers among the cops.

02:03: they make a photo of anyone they check. the west secret agencies are here.

02:04: one arrest of a kid that got paniced and started to run away. they beated him up

02:16: cops with and without suits search with torches at the self-managed park. they search any single spot. They tried to brake into the kiosk, but they didnt make it. Citizens did not recognize any action to give a reason for them to act like this.

02:19: I confirm that cops and undercover cops took pictures from faces they did not like.

02:37 It's military junda, only if you see it you can believe it.

02:38: They took 2 kids before some time. The kids were just walking.

02:40: they still take people in cop offices, D-team took people from the self-managed park before some time.

03:13: from Trikoupi & Solonos str. corner untill the old offices of the Social´democrats there were more than 150 cops. 20 years that i live in Exarcheia, I have never seen something like this.

04:29: D-team forces hide oppossite of the Skaramagka Squat.

04:50: more than 50 citizens at the central cop offices. there is a lawyer with them and reasonably they will leave at the mourning.

04:55: i just came out of the central cop offices. they took me inside because i was sitting at the park and i refused to go away when they ordered me so. It's rediculus what we experience. we were more than 70 citizens inside.

(from mass media: more than 400 cops during this action.)

source & vids:

Friday events:

11:11: Arrests now at Exarcheia? On mass media they said that some events take place. New "wipping action" from cops? We have a picture of what is happening?

11:46: here there are 50 from the D-team. They surrounded the square and make body-checks. Streets around Exarcheia are blocked. It was spreded a rumour that they found guns, but I am cannot confirm this information.

11:48: I think the excusion is a phone call for a bomb at a ministry.

12:05: they are everywhere, I think that even if someone wants to go, he is not able to do it.

12:16: They are at Zoodohou Pigis str. I passed there before some minutes and heard on cops' cb's: let's go at the square to the f***ing Anti-governmental Movement's place. Be carefull comrades.

12:22: Mass media say that the excusion is a phone-call for bomb, maybe a false call.

12:27: Now there are two special forces teams: one at Oikonomou and the other at Tsamasou str.

12:27: 2 special forces' teams on Themistokleous str. from both sides. I hope they don't walk against Nosotros social center.

12:36: At kallidromiou str. lots of D-team with more than 30 undercover cops.

12:38: from cop's cb: they go up the Mesologgiou & Didotou str. to take 3 citizens.

12:52: It cannot be true, I woke up because of a cops' cb. Special forces' team at Tzavella str. They search anyone that is walking.

14:20: from Mega Channel tv-station it was announced for new actions during afternoon.

14:53: D-team drives around the park, making face controls and when they stop swear against citizens with their hands. During the mourning 30 undercover cops!!!! They try to make people nervous to find an excusion for new "wipping actions". Times are strange. Be carefull comrades.

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ATHEN 09.10.2009 - 18:58
Einen Tag nachdem der neue Regierungschef Papandreou sich nicht zu blöde war zu verkünden, daß jetzt "Antiautoritäre an der Macht" seien, gab's in Exarchia Großrazzia: Mehrere hundert Personen, dutzende Autos wurden überprüft... 81 Festnahmen