Neue Riots in Athen

05.09.2009 20:15 Themen: Freiräume Repression Soziale Kämpfe
Heute Nacht kam es im Athener Stadtteil Exarchia erneut zu einem Treffen mit der Staatsgewalt, etwas heftiger als am Vortag.
Auf einer AnwohnerInnen Versammlung abends im besetzten Park wurden Reaktionen auf den Polizeiueberfall besprochen. Mittendrin wurde bekannt das Exarchia von starken Polizeiverbaenden abgeriegelt wird. Gegen Mitternacht versammelten sich deshalb an zwei Punkten mehrere hundert Menschen.
Diese besetzten dann alle Kreuzungen im Viertel. Die BuergerInnen waren besser ausgeruestet als gestern. An einer Stelle wurde der Belagerungsring mit Molotovs und sehr grossen Boellern angegriffen. Ziel war es die Delta-Force in den Nahkampf zu verwickeln. Anscheinend war aber entweder der starke Benzingeruch im Viertel der Secret Police aufgefallen oder der sorglose Umgang mit Handys veranlasste die Polizeifuehrung die Delta-Force nicht einzusetzen, deren Bikes waeren wohl inclusive Fahrer abgefackelt worden.
Stattdessen rueckte die Militaerpolizei MAT vor, wie immer sehr statisch und ohne Fahrzeuge.
Diese rannten aber buchstaeblich gegen die Wand, da massiv Steine mitgefuehrt wurden.
Wo die Pigs in Bedraengniss gerieten warfen sie Blendshock und Chemicals, teilweise auch Steine. Nach einem Angriff mit Molotovs in einer engen Gasse wurden die Bullen etwas aufgesplittert und man bewarf sich an einzelnen Kreuzungen gegenseitig aus zehn Metern Entfernung mit Steinen.
Die Strassen waren Checkpointartig mit Barris gesperrt, die fuer den zivilen Verkehr geoeffnet wurden. Nach einer Stunde wars vorbei, die Schweine zogen ab.
Von gestern sind noch 4 Menschen in Haft, obwohl da keine Molotovs flogen. Es gab jedoch morgens noch einen Ueberfall auf eine Wache. Letzte Nacht gabs keine Festnahmen, die Stimmung beim Riot war zwar Hasserfuellt aber nicht verbissen, eher ausgelassen. Die Leute sind sehr selbstbewusst im Umgang mit Pigs und vermeiden Beschaedigungen an Privat PKWs.
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weiterer Bericht von LibCom

Entdinglichung 06.09.2009 - 11:27

Mass Class Protest March in Salonica, Riots in Athens

Thousands march in "independent class" protest march in Salonica, putting party-controlled unions to shame, while anti-police riots break up anew in Athens.

The first weekend of September in Geeece saw the bare teeth of class antagonism in defiance of the ever increasing police brutality and unaccountability.

On Saturday 5/9 the inauguration of the 74th International Expo of the city, a site for government speeches and promises was met by thousands people taking to the streets in an "independent class" protest march, separate from the party-controlled marches of PAME and the GSEE. The march was led by PEKOP, the Athens Cleaner's Union whose gen. secretary, K, Kouneva, was attacked with sulphoric acid last December by company thugs. In its call to the struggle PEKOP had announced:

"In the dark days that they are preparing for us, lets get ready, lets organise and lets hit back without delay with a warm autumn and a hot winter. We do not forget December! We do not forget the bullets that killed Alexis, nor the acid that burned K. Kouneva, PEKOP's gen. secretary! We live social war everyday here. And Konstantina is the flag of our social struggle [...]
We shall not be the tail of bureocrats who constantly team up with the bosses and the State, alloting like 'parties of power' the priviledges of class collaboration, having the audacity to speak in our name, in the name of the working class, stabbing the back of our struggles. Nor will we give ground to those who constantly want to control us, to transform our struggles to votes, and when December comes they cross to the other side of the river...The workers must march and struggle against the bosses without false mediators and good-willers of this or that bureocracy. The emancipation of the working class is the work of the working class itself!"

The march followed the usual circular pattern from Kamara and back with several CCTV cameras destroyed en route. Upon returning to Kamara a limited melee with the cops occurred when some comrades attacked a riot police team with flares, leading to a tear gas counterattack and small skirmishes in the surrounding streets. The revengeful motorised police then sought to apprehend 15 members of AK who were returning banners to their social centre. The same group of motorised cops then attacked another AK social centre with tear gas. The AK members were released after more than 150 protesters surrounded the police station where they were detained.

Meanwhile, in Athens Exarcheia, the anarchist enclave in down-town Athens, was once again transformed into a battle zone after policemen tried to stop and apprehend two people doing graffiti in the outskirts of the area on Friday 4/9 early in the morning. When people ran to help the arrested graffiti boys, the police pulled guns against them, aggrevating the crowd. The reaction to the police harassment then led to a full riot police attack on the liberated park of Navarinou, only meters above the site of A. Grigoropoulos assassination last December. Soon pitched battles broke out between anarchists and police forces. During the clashes 5 people were arrested and four are accused of molotov cocktail throwing even though not a single molotov fell that night. One of the arrested was seriously injured and has been hospitalised. In addition three policemen were reported as injured and two police cars were seriously damaged.

New clashes erupted the following night, when riot policemen stationed near the liberated park came under molotov cocktail fire. Soon the area was engulfed in flaming barricades that hampered the intrusion of motorised police in the area, with several cars torched. Riot police forces were reported to throw back stones to the crowds.

Gefangene von Bullen gefoltert

Entdinglichung 07.09.2009 - 16:17

Greek police exposed by torture victim with pierced lung

One of the five arrested of last week's clashes in Athens exposes the greek police for torture, leading to his lungs being pieced by a broken rib.

One of the five men arrested last Friday in relation to the clashes that occurred with police forces in Exarcheia, Athens, has exposed the greek police for an unrepenting recourse to torture.

According to the accused and his solicitor, the veteran defender of human and civil rights Mr Papadakis, the 27 year old man was arrested by Delta force motorised policemen acting on no evidence but mere revengeful motives. The young man was apprehended, brutally beaten and tied to a tree. As a result his whole body is suffering from wounds and bruises while one of his ribs broke piercing his lungs and setting his life in serious danger.

In a press conference on the latest case of police torture, Mr Papadakis dismissed police allegations that the accused attacked them with molotov cocktails, arguing that not a single molotov was thrown that night as numerous neighbours and shop owners testify: "In the last few months" claimed the solicitor "we have been visiting our clients not in police departments, but in hospitals. Every time I get a call for the defense of a new accused, I ask: is he healthy or in the hospital? In most cases it is the latter case".

Human rights groups point out that although the young man was hospitalised after his arrest, the persecution failed to order a medical examination regarding the causes of his injuries, thus 'normalising' police brutality and torture.

For a video of the Delta force operation in the area see

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