Police detectives harass Casto opponents

Diet Simon 01.11.2008 08:46 Themen: Atom
In connection with the Castor transport to Gorleben, expected to pass through Karlsruhe next Saturday (8 Nov), five nuclear opponents in the area were visited by criminal police at home and at their work places on the 17th and 19th of October. They were informed that from then on they would be under police surveillance. Police said this was because the activists had been “conspicuous” at past Castor transports and alleged that they had committed crimes; but they admitted there was no proof of that. The activists say since then police have been demonstratively invading the private lives of nuclear opponents, watching them in their day-to-day lives, going about their business and at their jobs. They’re stopped for ID checks and the places they go to are observed. The activists say this is an attempt to intimidate them.
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