Abu-Jamal-News: Zeitungsprojekt in den USA

Mumia-Hoerbuchgruppe 19.07.2008 00:37 Themen: Medien Netactivism Repression Weltweit
Während in den USA Mumia Abu-Jamal bereits seit fast 27 Jahren als politischer Gefangener in der Todeszelle sitzt, haben sich viele Projekte zu seiner Unterstützung gebildet. Auch 2008 sind einige davon sehr aktiv. Wir möchten hier die "Abu-Jamal-News" vorstellen.
Während in den USA Mumia Abu-Jamal bereits seit fast 27 Jahren als politischer Gefangener in der Todeszelle sitzt, haben sich viele Projekte zu seiner Unterstützung gebildet. Auch 2008 sind einige davon sehr aktiv. Wir möchten hier die "Abu-Jamal-News" vorstellen.

In den USA ist die dritte Printausgabe der Abu-Jamal-News erschienen. (siehe dazu die PDF)
Bereits seit Anfang letzten Jahres arbeiten mehrere Journalist_innen und Autoren_innen (Hans Bennet, Dave Lindorf, Linn Washington Jr., Kiilu Nyasha, Michael Schiffmann, Stuart Taylor, Jr, Carolina Saldaña u.a.) unendgeldlich an einer Zeitung, um den Kampf für die Freiheit von Mumia Abu-Jamal in den USA zu unterstützen.
Die erste Ausgabe erschien im Mai 2007, kurz vor der damaligen Anhörung von Mumias Forderung nach einem neuen Verfahren vor dem 3. US-Bundesberufungsgericht.
Im Frühjahr 2008, kurz nach der entäuschenden Entscheidung des 3. Bundesberufungsgerichtes und genau vor der US-weiten FREE MUMIA Demo in Philaldelphia erschien Nr. 2  http://www.abu-jamal-news.com%2Fdocs%2Fajn2.pdf

Jetzt, wenige Wochen nach der FREE MUMIA Kundgebung in Philadelphia am 4.Juli, dem US-Gründungsfeiertag, kam die dritte Ausgabe heraus.  http://www.abu-jamal-news.com/docs/ajn3.pdf
Inhalt dieser Ausgabe sind u.a. ein Artikel über die aktuelle Situation Mumias (Sundiata Sadiq), ein Interview (Michael Schiffmann) über juristische Hintergründe rund um Mumias Bruder Billy Cook, Berichte über Polizeigewalt in Philadelphia (Linn Washington Jr.), Vorstellung des neuen Buches "The Framing Of Mumia Abu-Jamal" (Hans Bennett), ein schwul-lesbischer Unterstützungsaufruf für Mumia (Rainbow Flags), eine Analyse des Batson-Claims und der Gerichtsentscheidung vom 27.März 2008 (Michael Schiffmann), ein Artikel über den Gefangenen Black Panther Hugo Pinell (Mumia Abu-Jamal), der bereits seit 42 Jahren inhaftiert ist, ein weiterer Artikel über den politischen Gefangenen Ruchell Cinque Maggee (Kiilu Nyasha), ein aktueller Artikel über den ebenfalls in Pennsylvenia inhaftierten politischen Gefangenen Leonard Peltier (Carolina Saldaña) und vieles mehr.

Die Zeitung wird in hohen Auflagen (10.000) kostenlos bei Demos und in den schwarzen Gemeinden Philadelphias, New York und San Francisco verteilt. Die Kosten für Druck und Vertrieb kommen über Spenden oder Eigenbeteiligung der Autor_innen zusammen.

Auf einer dazugehörigen Webseite  http://www.abu-jamal-news.com/ werden beinahe täglich neue Nachrichten über Mumia und andere politische Gefangene in den USA veröffentlicht. Sowohl Artikel und Interviews als auch Videos und Audios gehören zum Inhalt.

Diese Webseite samt der Zeitung liefert in englischer Sprache sehr viel interessantes Material für Menschen, die den Kampf für Mumias Freiheit unterstützen wollen, da sie neben Statements von Mumias Verteidigung und laufenden Mobilsierungen umfassend Hintergründe recherchiert und analysiert.

weitere Projekte zur Unterstützung Mumia Abu-Jamals in einer unvollständigen Liste:

in den USA

prison radio (wöchentlich Mumias originale Kolumnen)  http://www.prisonradio.org/mumia.htm
Film: "In Prison My Whole Life"  http://www.inprisonmywholelife.com/
N.Y.C-Mumia Bündnis  http://www.mumia.org/
Ausbilder_innen für Mumia  http://www.emajonline.com/

in Deutschland

Berliner Mumia-Bündnis  http://mumia-hoerbuch.de/bundnis.htm
Internationales Verteidigungskomitee (IVK) Bremen  http://www.freedom-now.de/
Netzwerk gegen die Todesstrafe Heidelberg  http://www.againstthecrimeofsilence.de/
Sterneck (Archiv und mehr)  http://www.sterneck.net/mumia/index.php
Mumia-Hörbuchgruppe  http://www.mumia-hoerbuch.de
wöchentliche Radiosendungen im internet

in Spanien

Mumia-Unterstützer_innen Barcelona  http://libertad-mumia.blogspot.com/

In der Schweiz

Mumia-Unterstützer_innen Bern  http://www.free-mumia.ch.vu/

In Österreich

Mumia-Unterstützer_innen Wien  http://www.labournetaustria.at/mumia.htm
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Creative Commons-Lizenz lizenziert.
Indymedia ist eine Veröffentlichungsplattform, auf der jede und jeder selbstverfasste Berichte publizieren kann. Eine Überprüfung der Inhalte und eine redaktionelle Bearbeitung der Beiträge finden nicht statt. Bei Anregungen und Fragen zu diesem Artikel wenden sie sich bitte direkt an die Verfasserin oder den Verfasser.
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Infoabende und Schreibaktionen für Mumia

Berliner Mumia-Bündnis 19.07.2008 - 00:51
Während in Berlin wöchentlich immmer Montags um 18 Uhr neue Radiosendungen über Mumia Abu-Jamal im OKB auf 97,2 UKW laufen, finden in der Berliner Region auch regelmässig Infoveranstaltungen statt. Termine stehen regelmässig erneuert hier  http://mumia-hoerbuch.de/termine.htm

Die nächste Veranstaltung ist am Freitag, den 18.Juli in Königs Wusterhausen:
Stadtjugendring Königs Wusterhausen e.V.
Erich- Weinert- Straße 9
15711 Königs Wusterhausen

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 19 Uhr

Es wurde bereits öfter auf die Wichtigkeit hingewiesen, Mumia zu schreiben. Da juristisch nur noch wenige Türen offen stehen, ist es jetzt wichtig, weltweite Verbundenheit mit Mumia zu dokumentieren, wenn wir ihn unterstützen. Alle Details  http://mumia-hoerbuch.de/bundnis.htm#SchreibtMumia

Ähnliche Arbeit auch in Deutschland

Kurt 19.07.2008 - 01:01
In der im Artikel aufgeführten Link-Liste fehlt ein ganz wichtiges Projekt in Deutschland. Immer Samstags erscheint in der Tageszeitung Junge Welt auf Seite 6 eine neue von Mumias regelmässigen Kolumnen. Letzte Woche war es "Die Verbrechen der Könige" über Straffreiheit aktueller Potentaten.  http://www.jungewelt.de/2008/07-12/038.php

neue FREE MUMIA News online

Berliner ´Mumia-Bündnis 20.07.2008 - 23:20
die neueste FREE-MUMIA-News Sendung ist jetzt online.

Themen diese Woche:

- Abu-Jamal News #3 und einige der Inhalte, z.B. Überblick über andere politische Gefangene in den USA und Auswirkungen des COINTELPRO Programmms bis heute
- Mumia-Soli-Aktionsbericht aus Paris: "DIE IN"
- Veranstaltungshinweise über Mumia Abu-Jamal
- 2 Kolumnen von Mumia auf deutsch gelesen: "Die Verbrechen der Könige" & "Dr. Watsons Genlabor"

dazu einiges an passender Musik

Zeitungsartikel am 21.07.08 über Mumia

Kurt 21.07.2008 - 23:57

All out for justice for Oury Jalloh

New York C. Coalition to free Mumia Abu-Jamal 22.07.2008 - 00:23
The Berlin Coalition to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal is appealing to us to help publicize the
case of Oury Jalloh, a West African refugee who was burned to death
while in police custody in the German city of Dessau. After 2
years, no justice has been obtained in this case. There will be a
German-wide demonstration in Dessau on Saturday, August 2, 2008.
The organizers produced a video to mobilize for this event, using
Mumia's Commentary as the central narrative. Many refugees in
Germany clearly regard Mumia's voice as theirs. Follow this link to
view this amazing video

The original Commentary by Mumia (which you can hear at
tells all:

Death in Cell #5
[Column written 4/3/07] © 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal

A Sierra Leonean refugee named Oury Jalloh burned to death in Cell
No. 5 in the city of Dessau, Germany.

The date: January 7, 2005

Police at the station have called it a simple case of suicide.

His friends and fellows have raised serious and disturbing
questions, such as: how do you tie your hands and feet, and burn
yourself to death?

Since that day to this, friends of Jalloh and anti-racist organizers
have been trying to build a movement against racist violence, often
perpetrated by the State, especially against African refugees like
Oury Jalloh.

Jalloh was 21 years old.

His case has raised that of similar incidents, of clashes between
Black immigrants, and the German police. Like that of Dominique
Kuomadio, another African refugee, who was shot and killed by German
police on April 14, 2006.

When the German General Public Prosecutor was given the case, the
conclusion was all but pre-ordained: self-defense.

Anti-racist Germans and refugee support groups there have organized
to demand and fund an x-ray of Oury Jalloh's corpse. This x-ray
found that he suffered a broken nose, and serious trauma to his
middle ear.

Earlier requests for such an examination were turned down by the
State Prosecutor—who said it wasn't necessary.

And while the cops who may've murdered—burned to death—a Black
immigrant in a holding cell, face an almost certain impunity,
activists who have spoken out against the cops are being sued now
for libel and defamation.

Remember Oury Jalloh!

For more information, please contact:

Ruchell Cinque Magee hat Bewährungsprüfung

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition N.Y.C. 22.07.2008 - 22:43
Der im Artikel erwähnte pol. Gefangene Ruchell Cinque Magee hat nächste Woche Bewährungsprüfung. Das New Yorker Mumia-Bündnis ruft dazu auf, Faxe zu seiner Unterstützung an die behörde zu senden. Hier der Originaltext aus New York:


Ruchell Cinque Magee, too long an unsung hero, but much respected
and admired by those familiar with his case, is up for parole. We
urge everyone who can to please write a letter on behalf of this
This brother deserves our support! Because his PAROLE HEARING IS
THIS COMING THURSDAY, JULY 24Tth, you must send the fax by tomorrow

FAX NUMBER: 559-992-7327

Or if you can get to a Post Office TODAY you can also mail it by
Express Mail to:

Commissioners, Board of Parole Hearing
California State Prison -
Corcoran Lifer Desk
PO Box 8800
Corcoran CA 93212-8800


Commissioners, Board of Parole Hearing
California State Prison -
Corcoran Lifer Desk
PO Box 8800
Corcoran CA 93212-8800

Re: CDC #A92051, Ruchell Cinque Magee

Dear Commissioner:

I am writing to support parole for Ruchell Cinque Magee. I have been
following his case for years and have read some of the letters
opposing his release. I have found these letters unconvincing given
the facts of the case, the coverup of the acquittal, and the
incredibly long term Mr. Magee has served. Mr. Magee has already
spent 47 years in California State Prison for kidnapping. There is
no other person in the US prisons who has served that long for

If his case had been heard in an open and fair court, Ruchell Cinque
Magee would long ago have been released from jail, because the
convictions against him violate every law on the books. Evidence
submitted under oath reflects a jury acquittal in San Francisco
County and finding Magee not guilty of violating Penal Code 209. Yet
he remains in prison on a 1970 kidnap count.
Those opposing Ruchell Cinque Magee's release are committing a crime
by using photos and information to deface the jury acquittal. The
conviction by the Santa Clara County Superior Court is challenged as
being a Double Jeopardy
prosecution, in violation of the 5th and 14th Amendments. Some
evidence of Mr.Magee's unjust imprisonment has reached millions of
people, all over the world. Many people are interested in his case,
and many believe he is the victim of hate crime frame-ups by
individuals who have lied and manipulated the criminal justice
system. It is surely criminal for officials to ignore or hide jury
acquittal, thereby keeping people imprisoned through false evidence.

Ruchell Cinque Magee is no threat to the public and he has (already)
proved his
innocence before twelve jurors in San Francisco County. Photos of the
August 7, 1970 tragedy and twisted visions do not outweigh the jury
acquittal in fact or in law. The eyes of the world can recognize an
acquittal if it is not intentionally hidden from the public. .

The Board is in a position to release Mr. Ruchell Cinque Magee. His
release is actually required under Penal Code 1170.2 (Determined
Sentence Law), as he has served approximately 47 years in the
California State Prison.

Ruchell Cinque Magee was first imprisoned (falsely) in a case where a
co-defendant's guilty plea was used as evidence against him. It was
this original conviction and the police, prosecutorial and judicial
corruption that he was protesting in 1970

Mr. Magee is almost 70 years of age. He has knowledge which could
help to turn
around the lives of countless young people going in the wrong
direction. Anybody who has survived 47 years or more in prison and
has his sanity, knows something about being a survivor.

In the name of justice and humanity, I urge the Board members to
release Ruchell Cinque Magee.


Artikel über den Gefangenen aus ABU-JAMAL-NEWS #3

Ruchell Cinque Magee
and the August 7th Courthouse Slave Rebellion
By Kiilu Nyasha
"Slavery 400 years ago, slavery today, it's the same but with a new
name".-- Ruchell Cinque Magee
I first met Ruchell Cinque Magee in the holding cell of the Marin
County courthouse in the Summer of 1971. I found him to be soft-
spoken, warm and a gentleman in typically Southern tradition. We've
been in correspondence pretty much ever since.
I had just returned to California from New Haven, Connecticut, where
I had worked as an organizer and a member of the legal defense team
of three Black Panthers, including Party Chairman Bobby Seale, on
trial for murder and conspiracy. The second trial resulted in a true
people's victory, May 24, 1971. We had kept the New Haven courtroom
jam-packed throughout the joint trial of Seale and Ericka Huggins
that resulted in a hung jury. But the obviously racist judge had to
dismiss it due to the enormous publicity and state expense incurred
due to huge crowds and tight security.
In my correspondence with George Jackson, author of the bestseller,
Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson, he had advised
me to seek a press card in order to visit him at San Quentin. In so
doing, I wound up working for The Sun Reporter, a local Black
newspaper (byline Pat Gallyot), and covering the pretrial hearings of
Angela Davis and Magee.
Already familiar with courtroom injustice, racism and bias against
Black defendants witnessed in two capital trials, it didn't come as a
surprise that Ruchell was getting a raw deal in the Marin Courtroom
where he was frequently removed for outbursts of sheer frustration.
By 1971, Ruchell was an astute jailhouse lawyer. He was responsible
for the release and protection of a myriad of prisoners benefiting
from his extensive knowledge of law, which he used to prepare writs,
appeals and lawsuits for himsel f and many others behind walls.
Now Ruchell was fighting for all he was worth for the right to
represent himself against charges of murder, conspiracy to murder,
kidnap, and conspiracy to aid the escape of state prisoners.
Although critically wounded on August 7, 1970, Magee was the sole
survivor among the four brave Black men who conducted the courthouse
slave rebellion, leaving him to be charged with everything they could
throw at him.
"All right gentlemen, hold it right there.we're taking over!" Armed
to the teeth, Jonathan Jackson, 17, George's, younger brother, had
raided the Marin Courtroom and tossed guns to prisoners William
Christmas and James McClain, who in turn invited Ruchell to join
them. Ru seized the hour spontaneously as they attempted to escape by
taking a judge, assistant district attorney and three jurors as
hostages in that audacious move to expose to the public the brutally
racist prison conditions and free the Soledad Brothers (John
Clutchette, Fleeta Drumgo, and George Jackson).
McClain was on trial for assaulting a guard in the wake of Black
prisoner Fred Billingsley's murder by prison officials in San Quentin
in February, 1970. With only four months before a parole hearing,
Magee had appeared in the courtroom to testify for McClain.
The four revolutionaries successfully commandeered the group to the
waiting van and were about to pull out of the parking lot when Marin
County Police and San Quentin guards opened fire. When the shooting
stop ped, Judge Harold Haley, Jackson, Christmas, and McClain lay
dead; Magee was unconscious (See photo)and seriously wounded as was
the prosecutor. A juror suffered a minor injury.
In a chain of events leading to August 7, on January 13, 1970, a
month before the Billingsley slaughter, a tower guard at Soledad
State Prison had shot and killed three Black captives on the yard,
leaving them unattended to bleed to death: Cleveland Edwards, "Sweet
Jugs" Miller, and the venerable revolutionary leader, W. L. Nolen,
all active resisters in the Black Liberation Movement behind the
walls. Others included George Jackson, Jeffrey Gauldin (Khatari),
Hugo L.A. Pinell (Yogi Bear), Steve Simmons (Kumasi), Howard Tole,
and the late Warren Wells.
After the common verdict of "justifiable homicide" was returned and
the killer guard exonerated at Soledad, another white-racist guard
was beaten and thrown from a tier to his death. Three prisoners,
Fleeta Drumgo, John Clutchette, and Jackson were charged with his
murder precipitating the case of The Soledad Brothers and a campaign
to free them led by college professor and avowed Communist, Angela
Davis, and Jonathan Jackson.
Magee had already spent at least seven years studying law and
deluging the courts with petitions and lawsuits to contest his own
illegal conviction in two fraudulent trials. As he put it, the
judicial system "used fraud to hide fraud" in his second case after
the first conviction was overturned on an appeal based on a falsified
t ranscript. His strategy, therefore, centered on proving that he was
a slave, denied his constitutional rights and held involuntarily.
Therefore, he had the legal right to escape slavery as established in
the case of the African slave, Cinque, who had escaped the slave
ship, Armistad, and won freedom in a Connecticut trial. Thus, Magee
had to first prove he'd been illegally and unjustly incarcerated for
over seven years. He also wanted the case moved to the Federal Courts
and the right to represent himself.
Moreover, Magee wanted to conduct a trial that would bring to light
the racist and brutal oppression of Black prisoners throughout the
State. "My fight is to expose the entire system, judicial and prison
system, a system of slavery. This will cause benefit not just to
myself but to all those who at this time are being criminally
oppressed or enslaved by this system."
On the other hand, Angela Davis, his co-defendant, charged with
buying the guns used in the raid, conspiracy, etc., was innocent of
any wrongdoing because the gun purchases were perfectly legal and she
was not part of the original plan. Davis' lawyers wanted an expedient
trial to prove her innocence on trumped up charges. This conflict in
strategy resulted in the trials being separated. Davis was acquitted
of all charges and released in June of 1972.
Ruchell fought on alone, losing much of the support attending the
Davis trial. After dismissing five attorneys and five judges, he won
the right to defend himself. The murder charges had been dropped, and
Magee faced two kidnap charges. He was ultimately convicted of PC
207, simple kidnap, but the more serious charge of PC 209, kidnap for
purposes of extortion, resulted in a disputed verdict. According to
one of the juror's sworn affidavit, the jury voted for acquittal on
the PC 209 and Magee continues to this day to challenge the denial
and cover-up of that acquittal.
Ruchell is currently on the mainline of Corcoran State Prison doing
his 46th year locked up in California gulags - many of those years
spent in solitary confinement under tortuous conditions! In spite of
having committed no physical assaults or murders. Is that not
Write him at: Ruchell Magee # A92051, 3A2-131 Box 3471 , C.S.P.
Corcoran, CA 93212

--Mumia is Innocent! Stop the Frame Up! Free Mumia!--

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, NYC
P.O. Box 16, College Station, NY, NY 10030
212-330-8029, www.FreeMumia.com