Milwaukee solidarity actions against the G8

some milwaukee anarchists 08.06.2007 23:52 Themen: G8 Heiligendamm Weltweit
This morning several banners were dropped in the Milwaukee (usa) area expressing solidarity with those protesting against the G8 meeting in Germany this week. The policies of the G8 have a global effect and resistance to the G8 and solidarity with its opponents should therefore also be undertaken globally. While these actions may have no direct impact on the meetings themselves, we hope they offer some comfort to those on the front lines or in jail cells by letting them know they are not alone.
The banners read:
"Can't stop kaos
Fuck the G8"


"Solidarty[sic] with Anti-G8 Prisoners"

The first one speaks to the threat of uncontrollables to the established order, especially during their organized conferences. The threat of widespread disorder by those getting fucked by the system forces the state to be on the defensive and allows it's enemies numerous opportunities for resistance and revenge. By acting out militantly against the established order, they can seriously disrupt the function of these meetings, both in the media and in the closed-door sessions.

The second speaks for itself- we offer nothing but support for those arrested in the struggle against the G8 and hope they will soon be free once more. The state has made a significant effort to crush dissent surrounding this G8 meeting, but their efforts thus far have failed. The anger of the oppressed is stronger than their concrete walls.

We will continue to act in solidarity with those in Germany, and throughout the world, who fight with their all against this social order, as well as bring our own attacks to bear upon it.

-the uncontrolables

link to pictures:

This morning 4 banners were dropped and hung around the Milwaukee area with messages reading:

"NO G8"

"END Capitalism END the G8"

"Against Capitalist war, Against Capitalist Peace"

"solidarity with anti-g8 prisoners" (was found and rehung further down the street from where it was torn town)

We are an ungovernable force when we employ tactics that in their decentralized and autonomous nature allow for easy replication and modification (against the formation of experts in struggle and for generalized revolt) for the mass of oppressed and exploited to act as they see fit in circumstances of the least risk for themselves and most damage to capital.

There are many cops, hit-men for the state, who professionalize the misery of others and there are those who have internalized the master's values as well as many varied means of surveillance to encourage the oppressed's heads to stay firmly nuzzled beneath the state's boot. They wouldn't be on every corner, with worried eyes fearing that even the most minute questioning and the smallest of actions taken without their knowledge and approval will lead to the destruction of it all.

Another cop exists within our heads, one which allows for revolt to exist merely in concept, in image, in representation, as lifestyle, as commodity, somewhere else (germany), but not here. Not where it matters most, in our own lives. Is it really a minority of armed thugs with threats of violence enforcing capitals rules that keeps this rotten world from falling apart or this submission to authority and distance between our desires and their fruition? The secret is to really begin. The time for waiting and empty words is over.

We long for burning cities to call our own!

With love and solidarity for those fighting the G8 here and in Germany
With rage and plans in store for the G8 and the social order

-some more milwaukee anarchists

link to more pictures:

and statement made by milwaukee anarchists:
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