Summit "Russia - EU" in Samara

hesheit 21.05.2007 10:17 Themen: G8 G8 Heiligendamm Repression Weltweit
The repressions against "Intergalactic Libertarian Forum" and other opposition actions which took place during the Summit "Russia - the European Union" on 16-18 of May in Samara (Russia).
The madness has begun with numerous arests, kidnappings and activists' attacks, also the activity of the public center was blocked up and the Monday number of "Novaja gazeta" wasn't published at all. From the beginning of May in Samara region the repressions against the opposition movements has begun because of the approach of the Summit "Russia - the European Union".

On May, 10 the police organised a search in the public center. In this center the Coordinating Committee of the libertarian forum was based. Some indispensable gadgets, perfomances attributes and computers with very necessary information inside were taken away. Coordinators of the Forum planned to held discussions and working groups in different rooms of the center. The main forum events were planed here (3 days discussion and 3 doc cinema presentations). So the Forum preparation was practically stopped.In the evening 2 journalists from "RIO" TV which had some video materials and witnesses' interviews were arrested by police and transported to the police departement to have a conversation without reasons explaining.The next day the building of the public center has been closed by the local authorities. Searches and the prohibition to enter the building blocked up the work of the public center and several human rights and ecological NGOs.Although the repressions were aimed at the Libertarian Forum, the activity of 8 organisations was absolutely blocked for indefinite time!

"Human rights defence project"
"Antimilitar project and anticonscription project "
"B-63"-a group supporting local scientific library, a movement against
the commersalization of the culture ( )
"Diversija"-youth cinemaclub, taking place once a week and having some
popularity between students and other people( )
Cultural center "Duplo"( )
Аssosiation for the protection of the rights of the voters "VOICE"
Project "Maintenance of the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly

The center is keeping closed till now after the end of the Sammit. The sequestration in the cented was realized by the local mayor (Victor Tarhov) in person. He arrived in the center and also personally prohibited using of cinema hall and of the first floor areas. A drive for the public center's liberation was launched by activists. You can join the drive and send a petition to the mayor:

At the same time many activists and organisators of the "March of opposition" in Samara, Saratov, Moscow, Nijnij Novgorod were arresated and outlawed; the activity was almost paralysed (in spite of the official permission to held the action at the same time as the Summit. The permission was obtained just after the interference of Angela Merkel in the "democratic freedoms" of our country). You can go through activists' repressions here:

On 14 May, at 23.30 one of the social and human rights activists, member of "Intergalactic Libertarian Forum", Alexandr Lashmankin was attacked in the entrance of his house and was violently beated with the help of fungo sticks.All day long he was followed by numerous cars and some suspicious men,which were not hiding at all. 2 telephones were taken away (one of them is Forum contact telephone. One of the "unknown" attakers said : "And now give me your second contact phone"), some money and Forum posters.

Sergej Shimvolos and his assistant (Human rights assotiation of Nijnij Novgorod and Moscow - Helsinki group) were also pursued permanently without any trial to hide. They were arrived specially to follow Samara May event and to help repressions victims. They were arrested at the rail-station just after their arrival in Samara, but delivered after an hour, also 4 times police has revised documents suspecting something criminal. Inspite activists' attacks, menaces and searches the "Intergalactic Libertarian Forum" (nothing in common with the "March of opposition") took place in the streets of Samara. Some hours before the party Alexandr Lashmankin was arrested in the street and was setted free only after the end of event.He had megaphone, leaflets and permission to held the action. Peaceful(!) Forum discussions (WTO,corporative values and human rights, civil society, etc) were blocked by 3 police buses, so the participants were forced to hold a short street action:

On Monday, 21 May, a conference about results of political repressions and turned out actions will take place in Samara, Venceka 38 at 11-00.

For more information:
"Intergalactic Libertarian Forum" site:
Legal support:
Development of events:

Please write a petition for the public center's liberation and contact us:
samaramay07 at
Contact phone 89159564488
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Alexandr Lashmankin - foto

duplo 26.05.2007 - 01:33

Александр Лашманкин входит в оргкомитет "Межгалактического Либертарного Форума". Он был ограблен и избит бейсбольными битами сотрудниками спецслужб в ночь с 14 на 15 мая около подъезда собственного дома. У него были отобраны два мобильных телефона (один из которых был контактным телефоном форума) и деньги. После грабежа избиение продолжилось пока он не потерял сознание.