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Dr. Borek 10.10.2004 23:18 Themen: Atom
What about the God damned Bullshit with Wind Turbine Hystery in Germany ?
by Dr. Borek

Who in beautiful, nearly unaffected natural landscapes or into the field corridor enormous industrial machines places, at which foreseeable uncounted eagles, Rotmilane, falcon, bats and other strictly protected, even animals threatened by becoming extinct miserablly strain, commits an environmental crime.

And who as a builder approving of accepts the toetung of protected kinds, can be naturally sued. So it wants the federal nature protection law.

Characteristically that out of strength did not red-green in fact only set strict environmental regulations, but even your-successfully it ignores, in order to fill with the wind force Deal banks, atomic and arms companies, speculators the bags.

It is particularly strange that the Deal is masked propagandistically with the argument, by ever more wind turbines digs one the bad atomic industry, the operators of conventional main power stations the water off, do thus a good work.

Even in environmental lamellas it is zornig denied that just the armaments industry, in addition, the atomic power plant farmer Siemens KWU and all major banks verquickten with them from the outset also thereby were and as a producer, planner, marking out high profits to gain.

It hands to click the appropriate company Websites.

Therefore was not it surprising that since the youngest energy summit with the chancellor the straight wind force industry for still longer nuclear power plant running times makes itself strong.

Doctor Fritz Vahrenholt, Chief of the wind energy enterprise Repower, former Hamburg environmental senator, energized according to daily mirror, which agrees upon nuclear reactors until 2025 or 2030, instead of as before to use only until 2021. The same applies to the hard coal.

Why also - only for the road, for the tumbe voter people, the atomic door is put as decided thing and a contrast bad nuclear reactors - it does not design good windturbinen.
But behind the window blinds, on international parquet, it runs differently: In the conclusion document of the last New Yorker conference of examination (* pdf) to the nuclear weapon check contract red-green, without quite possible Antivotes Federal Minister Joschka Fischer signed, nevertheless the following:

"the conference recognizes the advantages of the peaceful atomic energy use and nuclear techniques on",

it means there,

"and their contribution, around development lasting in the developing countries to reach as well as around generally the well-being being issued and the quality of life of mankind improve."

Atomic energy is to be promoted therefore everywhere on the globe. Hick!
German Federal Minister for Environment questions Juergen Trittin never dissociated itself from it.

Repower Chief Fritz Vahrenholt knows that wind force and atomic power plants are "sisters in the net". Finally two north Germans energy experts coined/shaped the term - Gustav sour from the Schleswig Holstein Department of the Environment and Lothar Schedereit, managing director Hamburg energy counselling enterprises of the RENORGA. The unreliable wind force, they stress, are only additional energy, guarantee no supply security.
The fluctuations "were smooth-ironed" by the large atomic power plants. Therefore it is better, probably means wind force Boss Vahrenholt, if its industry can rely as for a long time as possible on the nuclear power plants.

In the extremely hot summer the Germans noticed that windturbinen stand still usually or hindoesen only before itself, none or hardly achievement for the first time deliver. For the first time it smelled for many after fraud that wind force was always praised of Trittin & CO as pollution free solution of our energy problems. Because the rotors turn only about 1,530 of altogether 8,760 yearly hours.

The wind force industry schlitterte also because of "unforeseeable project delays", speaks: local resistance of the population, into a heavy crisis, large manufacturers such as Nordex stand on the dump, fell at the stock exchange.

Because with tax funds billions, which are missing for example in the education and health range, the structure was financed by useless over-capacities.
And completely besides mentioned, our German children, our hope for the future, become ever carriers, more thickly, ill and hebetate appreciably. Those are unfortunately also sad facts, each teacher and physician can that confirm.

Because now the voter people begins to up-desire, office-holders change for safety's sake on the side of the wind force critics: Minister of economics Wolfgang Clement, of Brandenburg secretary of the environment Wolfgang Birthler (SPD), its Saxonia anhalt colleague Petra Wernicke (CDU), of Baden-Wuerttemberg Prime Minister Erwin Teufel (CDU), the entire FDP point.

And even the entire service trade union ver.di: "wind force became for the operators the money printing machine." Coating high subsidies, the obligation feeding remuneration, so Clement, is "Abzocke". Logically - power suppliers buy the kilowatt-hour for approximately three cent from conventional power stations, must to wind force entrepreneurs however the three to quadruple ones pay and roll on the consumer.

Because the Windbosses - and all participated lawyers, physicians, other speculators - comes only in such a way on its dream net yields, owing to Mr. Juergen Trittin.

Of Germany wind force-critical environmental movement (with in the meantime over 650 citizens' initiatives) says for the eighties, what as analysis result put the MDR magazine out fact now: "wind energy ensures in Germany above all for the fact that realms enrich become and jobs because of the high costs to be lost.

Oeco use - zero!"

The fact that wind parks, as always stated could supply whole cities completely with river, is already because of the uneven tensions simply sky-crying Nonsens - each electrical engineer says to one.

So that the tension remains stable in the net, conventional power stations must always parallel, "by", run along, nearly the entire wind force achievement as rule energy, reserve achievement to hold ready, to substitute always immediately be able, fossil raw materials in absurd quantities waste.

At present over 14.200 windturbines cover straight times ridiculous five per cent of the German current consumption.

The more windturbines, the more held ready reserve achievement, the more waste of energy, in addition, more wear by the on and driving down in thermal power stations, which are essential as fluctuation reserve with their steam or gas turbines. That costs annually billions and on the consumer is put down.

Our Mr. Minister Juergen Trittin always puts the industry, the conventional power stations as largest polluters.

From red-green with tax fundses promoted traffic contributes long much stronger to the air poisoning and climatic destruction. Ozone develops mainly from exhaust gas.

Climatic protection would have to begin there - and with the radical energy saving so unpopular in the waste-oriented society.

Company lobbyists, in editorships, environment organizations of stationed functionaries of the wind industry deny a landscape destruction by windturbines.

It is located long in footstep in documents that wind plants impair "a property" which can be protected after the federal nature protection law. The establishment of wind-powered devices is an interference into the ecosystem, since reason and soil cover, the landscape is always changed, birds was killed or hurt.

One must read it twice - nevertheless thereby studies from the house Trittin that wind force use is ecologically harmful, occupy its Ministry thus the kind dying consciously and deliberately promote. But in the argumentation assistance for the common people stands further, "wind energy is clean".
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